ARCH Raleigh

Stella Maris Co-Op

Stella Maris is a new co-op for the 2024-25 school year for middle and high school students.

The Mission:

To establish a community for our high school and middle school students, enabling them to develop relationships with each other and strengthen their Catholic Worldview.

The Schedule (subject to change):
10-11: Handicrafts/Life Skills
11-12: Sacred Art
12-1: Lunch
1-2: Cooperative games
2-3: Drama (tentatively)

The Vision:

We are blessed in our Church with many traditions and feasts that make up the liturgical year. As a community, we can celebrate these traditions and feasts together. The Stella Maris Coop Art Class will follow the liturgical year, creating art that is inspired by the season. When it is possible, the handicraft will also pertain to the feasts of the season. Cooperative games will help strength relationships as well as critical thinking skills and core subject knowledge.

The Whens and Where:

We will meet at St. Joseph’s on Tuesdays, beginning September 3rd, 2024. We will meet for 28 weeks, with four of those being out of the classroom. Our calendar is not completed yet.

The Cost:

These are not hard set fees but a generous estimate of how much we anticipate it to cost.  The family fee to pay for the facility approximately $250, depending on how many families sign up. The art and handicraft projects will be around $5 per project.  The projects will last more that one week, so the fees should be less than $5 per student per week.

The Parent Expectation:

While we do ask that everyone help in some way, we realize that will look differently for each family. We need teachers, assistant teachers, event coordinators, etc., and we are eager to see what talents each parent can bring to our community.

For more information, please contact:

Missy Christensen, Director
[email protected]