ARCH Raleigh



What is ARCH?


ARCH Raleigh is formally known as the Association of Roman Catholic Homeschoolers of the Raleigh, NC area.

We are a family support organization whose goal is to build up one another as we gather to grow, love, serve and learn in our Catholic faith.
Though our children range in age from infants to high schoolers and beyond, and our educational styles include classical, unschooling, and everything in between, we are united by our common desire to raise our children with a love of God and His Church.

The association provides a website for general support and communication.  As an organization, we host several annual events including an All Saints' Day Party, a May Crowning, and a Father-Daughter Dance; we promote quarterly Moms' Nights Out, Teen Socials, and Field Trips; and we sponsor co-ops and educational opportunities as needs and interests arise. 


What kinds of activities does ARCH offer?


Your ARCH dues help us to provide select activities and opportunities that support our members spiritually, socially, and educationally. Annual events typically include:

Kick-Off Meeting (for parents)
Back-to-School Picnic
Fall Teen Dance
Trunk or Treat
All Saints Day Parade & Party

Homeschool Mass
Christmas Craft Fair
Winter Teen Dance
Daddy-Daughter Dance
Valentine's Day Party

Science Fair & Talent Show
Spring Formal/Prom Teen Dance
May Crowning
End of Year Picnic
Graduation Mass & Reception

Ice Cream Social

Additionally, ARCH leadership invests time and energy, encouraging our members to plan many more opportunities and events (i.e. National Honor Society, Moms' Nights Out, teen socials, park playdates, clubs, field trips) throughout the year. We also have multiple co-ops/ homeschool support classes, as well as a support system called Meals for Moms to help families in need of a helping hand in the event of a birth, death or major illness.


How do I join ARCH?


To join ARCH, go to

Prospective members must fill out the registration form, agree to ARCH's Statement of Honor and waiver(s), and pay membership dues. Our Membership Coordinator typically approves memberships within 24 hours.

ARCH's membership year runs from July 1st to June 30th of the following calendar year. Annual dues are invoiced on July 1st, regardless of join date.

To renew, a family must update the member profile, renew all agreements and waivers, and submit dues.


How much are dues?


Dues are $39 annually and cover the membership year from July 1 to June 30, regardless of join date. 


Where can I find a listing of events? How do I sign up to participate?


A general listing of events can be seen at

ARCH members have access to our calendar and can see details of all events. 

The procedure to RSVP for an event depends partly on the type of event and partly on the preference of the event's leader. Always read event details carefully for RSVP conditions and deadlines.

IMPORTANT NOTE: As ARCH is growing, our events (especially annual events and field trips) often have waiting lists of families wanting to participate. Therefore, remember that your RSVP is your commitment to attend, and any associated fees will be due even if you don't show up! Please be considerate of other families, and give the event's coordinator ample notice if you must rescind your intention to participate.


Who runs ARCH events and how do they happen?


We are so glad you asked! The answer is that YOU make our events happen! All ARCH events are member-driven and run. Without a spirit of community and volunteerism among our members, we'd be only a mailing list. Please consider prayerfully how you can contribute to our group, and try to volunteer for at least 2 events throughout the year.


How is ARCH leadership structured?


ARCH leadership consists of a Board with Officers (including President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Events Coordinator, Membership Coordinator, and Members at Large), who collectively oversee general operations of the non-profit organization.

At this time, all positions are filled by seeking out volunteers as needed, with terms dependent on a family's ability to commit time and energy to the position.